Team Spotlight Series: Denizhan

Eve Thomson • May 2, 2023

Q&A with Denizhan, Kosy Living's 3D Visualiser

BTR Flat Man with Pet Dog

1.   Introduce yourself and please describe your role within Kosy Living.

I’m an experienced architect and a 3D visualiser, supporting the design team with CGIs and animations, and assisting with planning decisions at Kosy Living. I work closely with architects and planners to help plan and visualise projects, ensuring all ideas are represented as accurately and aesthetically as possible. My expertise is conceptual design, 3D modelling and architectural visualisation. 

2. How long have you been in the industry? How did you get to where you are now? 

I’ve been in the architectural design and visualisation industry for more than 25 years. After earning my degree in Architecture and working 3 years as an architect, I decided to pursue my career as an Architectural Visualiser. I founded a 3D visualisation studio and ran it successfully for 20 years, creating thousands of CGIs and animations. It is not an easy job and not every day has been inspiring, but passion has driven my career.

3. What made you want to become an Architect/3D Visualiser?

Ever since I was at a primary school age, I wanted to become an architect. I loved drawing and sketching which later became a passion for architecture and design. In my university years, I was introduced to computer aided design which fascinated me. Architectural visualisation is not only about technical ability but also creativity, and bringing an idea to life which attracted me the most.

4. What are your favourite things about your job?

Being a 3D visualiser can be one of the best occupations out there. It’s a perfect combination of creativity and technical ability. It is incredibly satisfying to create inspiring images and animations. 

5. What do you think are the biggest challenges?

The 3D industry can be very challenging. The job’s demands can be frustrating. Time pressures, and heavy workload can be daunting. Due to the pace of the industry, you must stay up to date with the latest tools and improvements. 

6. It’s a very creative role, what inspires you? 

Nature and the environment are my primary sources of inspiration. There are so many architectural products that mirror their designs from nature. Built environment and architecture is another source of inspiration for me. Photography provides inspiration for much of my work as well.

7. What do you like about working for Kosy Living?

I’m grateful to be a part of this team. The effort that an employee puts in never goes unappreciated. It’s very motivating to be recognised and encouraged. Kosy Living is a very collaborative environment and I trust and enjoy working with the friendly and kind people here. I’m proud to be a part of this fast-growing and talented team, where you can see projects through from conception to completion.

8. What do you think are the benefits of using 3D visualisation?

Architectural Visualisation is the art of creating still images or sequences of images showing the characteristics of a proposed design. In this age of lightning-fast response rates, it is more important than ever for architects to be able to provide clients with a clear idea of what is to be built. The techniques and the processes vary, but the aim of a computer-generated image is to improve the design and increase the marketing value.

The most important aspect of the CGI as a design and communication tool is that they are very reachable to clients or the public who often struggle to understand technical architectural drawings. They are effective for communicating design intentions, and have no language barriers whilst visually stimulating the design process, providing a better spatial understanding. It also helps people understand the cost that would be involved as well as the time it would take to deliver a project.

9. What are your favourite projects that you've worked on? What sort of project would you like to work on?

I believe the more time I spend on a visual and the more freedom I have as an artist, the better the result. There are also some amazing designs which need only a little contribution to make it look outstanding. It doesn’t matter what type of structure I am modelling, be it a residential, commercial, or an industrial building, as long as I can bring an inspiring idea to life. I am particularly proud of a residential project I visualised in Endlesham, a commercial building in Azerbaijan and an office fit-out in London.

10. Do you have any tips for people that would like to do this as a career?

Constantly observe the “real world” to understand how things should look in your renders. But 3D Visualization is not only achieving a photo-real representation of a proposed building or space. That would not be more than a technical illustration or simulation. You should master the fundamentals of art, principles such as the rule of thirds, the golden rectangle, the rule of odds, colour theory, etc. Jobs require experience in artistic principles, modelling, lighting, scripting, and even animation. Describing the project with technical accuracy is not enough. You need to make people desire whatever it is that you are proposing.

Thanks, Denizhan!

Keep your eyes peeled for the next Q&A from our Team Spotlight Series.

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